terça-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2021

loose ideas 01: works in interface and screen composition that make me proud

I'm gonna leave here some stuff I did before on interface and screen composition that I particularly like a lot. everything is quite amateurish :P but it gives me satisfaction to look at them.

I like the idea of thinking of every screen as a composition. I like when the interface takes the front, or the game is pure interface and there's no longer a distinction between the main game world and an interface that is just an overlay trying not to obstruct too much. collages, comics and old pc games are a generalised inspiration here.

the games are presented in chronological order.


lick my eyeballs

the first game I made, in a game jam with friends. the game is basically mastermind, but the password that you form is a combination of youtube videos. I really like the big eye, the button you press to check the password and expose the subject to the chosen videos. I like the space that a button is occupying on the screen. a big interest I have when organizing UI is thinking about it as a collage of artifacts, buttons, information, without a main game screen.


tela do jogo com quatro vídeos do lado esquerdo e um grande olho de pixel art no lado direito




another little gamejam game made with friends. continuing to think about the fitting of UI elements, in treco, when the map opens, it lays on top of the suitcase with your items.

comento em que o jogador abre o mapa do jogo, levando uma maleta a fechar quando o mapa abre sobre ela

interstellar rising

coming from the games I made in gamejams, I explored more the interface as a variety of boxes without any of them being the main area. the interface is the game itself, it doesn't lay on top of it.

the challenge here was coming up with an aesthetic that was quick to make, but still dynamic. my solution was animating things that were purelly graphic. among these flourishes are tiny graphs that pop up constantly in the screen, conection lines between the UI boxes, the blue circles that represent your traits and spin constantly and glitches than can happen in the interface when open a new screen.

tela no jogo representando um lugar, com uma vista panorâmica de prédios

tela no jogo onde é possível entrar em contato com outros personagens, aparecendo um retrato deles em rotoscopia

tela no jogo demonstrando o glitch nas caixas da interface

another thing I liked are the buttons in the form os banners that scroll to the side when you mouse over them. it's possible the inspiration was Maiden and Spell, but I don't remeber correctly when that game came out.

tela de seleção de nome, em que o botão de mudar ou confirmar são essas faixas


my idea for the UI in this game was emulating/ taking inspiration from books, both in the aesthetic flourishes and the organization of the screens in linear sucession, one after the other like pages from a book, with an index at the middle.

as telas do jogo sendo passadas ao clicar nos cantos inferiores da tela
as telas-páginas em sucessão

I also cherish this moment, when you advance the game's time count. I really like that the tiny wheels stop spining when the sun wheel advances.

o jogador clica em uma roda em formato de sol na parte superior da tela, que começa a girar fazendo vários relógios avançarem

I really like the clouds spinning around the island, I tried to give the poetic suggestion of a horizon.

representação da ilha onde se passa o jogo com nuvens girando em círculo em volta dela

autonomous agent aramis

something about this game I liked a lot is that the top menu remains when you advance trough new windows, including the main level. I wanted the game to look like the interface the robot's operator uses, or suggested that. I tried to associate this with an internet browser for example.

o usuário passando pelas várias páginas do jogo pelo menu superior


I also really like the visual theme of the spinning medals.

tela de título do jogo, o usuário passa o mouse pelo menu e medalinhas começam a girar do lado de cada opção

well, that was it :3

I wound up presenting almost all the games I made jshskshsl, consequentially the quality varies a lot, but I wanted to at least bring attention to one aspect in each that I liked.


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